This website disclosure is made in accordance with the EU Disclosure Regulation (2019/2088) regarding sustainability-related disclosures in the financial sector (the “SFDR”) and its Delegated Regulation 2022/1288 (the “Delegated Regulation”).
No sustainable investment objective
The Fund promotes environmental or social characteristics but does not have sustainable investments as its objective.
Environmental or social characteristics of the financial product
The Fund may invest in both economic activities that promote environmental or social characteristics or a combination of those characteristics. The Fund will, in whole or in part, invest in companies that in their operations offer products and services that contribute to solving a societal or environmental problem. Further, the Fund will not make investments in companies in certain sectors which are excluded on the basis of the Fund’s Exclusion Criteria.
Investment strategy
The purpose of the Fund is to build, hold and manage (including to divest) a portfolio of equity and equity-related investments in portfolio companies established in Sweden and Finland and having their principal operations in such countries. The binding elements of the investment strategy used to attain the promoted environmental or social characteristics are certain Exclusion Criteria, under which the Fund is restricted from investing in companies in certain sectors.
Proportion of investments
All of the Fund’s investments are intended to promote environmental or social characteristics. The Fund does not commit to making sustainable investments or investments that qualify as environmentally sustainable under the EU Taxonomy regulation.
Monitoring of environmental or social characteristics
The main aspects of the Fund’s applied monitoring routines are:
a. active engagement with portfolio companies; and
b. regular monitoring of the portfolio companies’ relating to e.g.
sustainability risks, the proportion of portfolio companies engaged in such activities/sectors that should be excluded based on the Exclusion Criteria and the proportion of portfolio companies contributing to UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Methodologies, data sources and processing and limitations to methodologies and data
In order, to measure how the environmental or social characteristics are met during the holding period, the Fund consults with portfolio companies in regular intervals and carries out further checks in order to identify potential issues.
Data sources are both direct information from the portfolio companies but also outside partners where relevant. The Fund continuously assesses data sources for improved data quality.
Due diligence
The Fund conducts a due diligence to evaluate all potential investments against the Fund’s investment strategy as well as the Exclusion Criteria and positive screening criteria. During the due diligence, the Fund also makes sure that potential investments follow good governance practices in relation to sound management structures, employee relations, staff remuneration and tax compliance before making an investment.
Engagement policies
The Fund encourages its portfolio companies to conduct regular ESG trainings and to consider principal adverse impacts on a voluntary basis and to improve their ESG efforts. Portfolio companies are encouraged and expected to include ESG in their strategic agenda. ESG is to be included in the Rules of Procedure for the Board of Directors for the respective portfolio company. Further, the Fund expects the portfolio companies to e.g. adopt a Code of Conduct and adhere to the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact.
Designated reference benchmark
No reference benchmark has been designated for the purpose of attaining the environmental or social characteristics promoted by the Fund.